Private Birdwatching Imagine Cruise 19th December

- Duration: 9 Hours (approx.)
- Location: Nelson Bay, NSW
- Product code: PPCHTR
What to bring: As for other Pelagic trips;
-binoculars, camera, sunscreen and sea-sickness tablets ,(Please take ss tabs before arrival according to directions and bring extras for top up purposes).
-polarising sunglasses are also a very good idea.
You may bring your own lunch, drinks and snacks, We do have some snacks, (chips,nuts, snack bars. chocolate, sweets),onboard.
Soft and not so soft drinks are available from the Mermaid Bar.
Freshwater is available on board to fill your bottles.
Clothing: Dress warmly and be aware that in windy conditions you may get wet from spray, especially if you spend a lot of time at the bow of the boat. Bringing a spray jacket is a good idea. There are however extra jackets onboard.
Departure:The boat leaves from the Dock C d'Albora Marina, Teramby Rd Nelson Bay at 07:00am, Boarding is 20 minutes prior. Make your way down Dock C past bay Booking Office. Imagine is on 60m down on RHS with a blue sail bag with IMAGINE on it.
Parking: Magnus Street,(or in Donald St), which is above the main road. There is a staircase / ramp down to the marina. Check the park is free all-day. Locals can park in blue lined spaces in Rivers car park. The area closest to the main road for 12 hours.
PLEASE MANAGE SEASICKNESS it ensures a great time for everyone!!! Any queries about this or other matters call the office on 02 49 84 9000